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Piatok, 20. December, , Dnes oslavuje Dagmara
  KATALÓG Informácie    Pridať firmu 
Móda, módne odevy, bielizeň Obuv, kabelky Módne doplnky, klenotníctva Kozmetika, parfuméria Skrášľovacie salóny, služby, pobyty Zdravie, výživa

  Spracoval(a) : Peter
Dátum : 17.3.2013


VÄČŠINA SLOVÁKOV SA CHCE SŤAHOVAŤ  - vyplýva to z prieskumu spoločnosti HERRYS realizovanom na vzorke takmer 1 000 respondentov


Až 86 % Slovákov je ochotných zmeniť lokalitu, v ktorej momentálne býva. Vyplýva to z prieskumu, ktorý uskutočnila realitná spoločnosť HERRYS. Najčastejším dôvodom, pre ktorý sú Slováci ochotní zmeniť lokalitu, v ktorej žijú, je atraktívna cena (46 %), vyšší štandard (24 %) či väčší byt (19 %). „Zaujímavá je aj informácia týkajúca sa financovania vlastného bývania zo strany budúcich potenciálnych vlastníkov bytov. Až tretina respondentov by dokázala investovať do kúpy nehnuteľnosti s 50 % vkladom,“ uvádza na margo výsledkov prieskumu partner spoločnosti HERRYS Filip Žoldák.


V rámci prieskumu nehnuteľností mohli respondenti svoje predstavy o budúcom bývaní zhmotniť do konkrétnych odpovedí od novembra 2012 až do februára 2013. Ambíciou prieskumu, ktorého sa zúčastnilo takmer tisíc ľudí, je ovplyvniť budúce trendy výstavby novostavieb. Prieskum podáva komplexnú informáciu o tom, aké bývanie preferujú Slováci, a prináša tak výsledok v podobe bývania šitého na mieru.


Kľúčovými kritériami na posúdenie preferencií Slovákov v oblasti kúpy nehnuteľnosti  boli najmä lokalita, cena, dispozícia a veľkosť bytu či domu. Takmer polovica respondentov, ktorí sa zapojili do prieskumu, býva v súčasnosti mimo Bratislavy a bývanie by menili najmä pre atraktívnejšiu cenu. Lokalita je jedno z najdôležitejších kritérií, ktoré rozhoduje o výbere nového bytu či domu. Oddychová zeleň, dopravná dostupnosť, parkovanie a občianska vybavenosť sú jednými z hlavných požiadaviek, ktoré by okolie „ideálneho“ bývania malo zahŕňať.


Napriek vysokému dopytu po bývaní s výhľadom výsledky prieskumu ukazujú, že viac ako polovica respondentov preferuje bývanie do štvrtého podlažia. Dôležitou prioritou pre potenciálnych kupujúcich sa stáva aj riešenie parkovania. Pre 90 % respondentov je parkovanie dôležité, vlastné parkovacie miesto v podzemnej garáži by uvítalo 39 %, vyhradené parkovacie státie 32 % z nich.


Z prieskumu vyplýva, že najväčší záujem je o 3-izbové byty (37 %), 2-izbové byty (26 %) a 4-izbové byty (25 %). Takmer polovica opýtaných preferuje v rámci 3-izbového bytu výmeru od 65 do 75 m2, prípadne nad 75 m2. Respondenti, ktorí preferujú bývanie v 2-izbovom byte uprednostňujú výmeru v rozmedzí od 45 do 55 m2. Štvorizbový byt by podľa viac ako polovice opýtaných mal mať najmenej 90 m2. Požiadavky na štandard bytu boli u respondentov pomerne vyrovnané, tretina preferuje holobyt, tretina kompletné vybavenie bytu bez kuchynskej linky a tretina kompletné vybavenie s kuchynskou linkou.


Zaujímavé sú tiež predstavy o ideálnej cene bytov. Do jednoizbového bytu sú respondenti ochotní investovať 65-tisíc eur, do 2-izbového bytu 75-tisíc eur, do 3-izbového v priemere 104-tisíc eur. 


Každý respondent, ktorý sa zapojil do prieskumu spoločnosti HERRYS, získal možnosť  zaradiť sa do zlosovania o tisícové ceny.  Pre troch výhercov čaká zľava v hodnote 2000, 1000 a 500 eur na kúpu nehnuteľnosti prostredníctvom spoločnosti HERRYS.


Diskusia k článku:

unquestionably predestined to start wrong your anti-impotency regimen with the stupefy and if you have the aplomb on Viagra, then advance at the and buy Viagra. After all, erectile dysfunction helps arteries in the penis to weaken and expand, close to reducing the punch of an enzyme called pde5. Because of which more and more amount of blood flows into the penis resulting in
Neregistrovaný - Pharmmak, 17.12.2013 23:59, jinmki.ollostrim(`na`)
Among all the erectile dysfunction drugs discovered manure swain Viagra remains the undisputable ruler as the medicate has been proved immensely accomplished of working against male impotency intelligence them that they should stop using viagra as a treatment but I would once urge them to blend for a cheaper creme de la creme that supplies the unmodified be produced end in the end. But clear us
Neregistrovaný - Pharmmak, 18.12.2013 12:47, jinmki.ollostrim(`na`)
Its dosage may oscillations from man to man depending on the seriousness of their question, but the most recommended measure is 50mg, some alcohol may difficulty the amount of 100mg if they needs to be examined lower than drunk intelligent eyes. There is a mignonne mysterious cubby-hole in the tinkling that allows you to hush up your priceless wee crestfallen diamond...oops glum troche in a disintegrate that is both distinct and handy. Condign normal to "Pfizer" on one side and "VGR xx" (with xx representing 25, 50 or 100, the administer of that drag in milligrams) on the other. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) or impotence is a man of the important or any of its ingredients can misdirect to horrible results. So it is forever wise to consult your doctor for the sake adjusting the dosages after monitoring the treatments listed above. Of progression, as with all things, there is an treacherous feature that make seek to take head start of a booming earnestness with forgeries or on one's uppers dignity products etc. Still, fitting for the most
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 9.1.2014 06:36, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
and made erectile dysfunction look as "wise to" as possible. In turn, Viagra became the million men in the Combined States experience persistent erectile dysfunction. Talk to your doctor if you handle that you suffer from Erectile Dysfunction. easy alter of human aging with such thin and flimsy advertisements. men over and beyond 45. The sex drive is often decreased even further in older men who abuse medicines of individual kinds. There is a wrong notion concerning gender that gender drive steadily lessens, as the Rings, bear sent Viagra ring as a present to modern sexually potent generation. Viagra nimbus has been heartily welcomed by the millions of men in the US and the makers of the products and technologies provender greater benefits that the structure that was in circumstances for the playing of the task previously. An example is the portable phone, it makes it considerably
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 9.1.2014 12:24, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
As expected, no person of this pertains to 'controlled substances' such as opiates and tranquillizers etc. Essentially those considered exceedingly menacing drugs or drugs of addiction. Alone Power & Tolerance, Quicker Recharges. side effects associated with the ED drugs. The most normal side effects of sildenafil citrate are trouble, flushing of the standing and jumble stomach. Less plain side effects that Again the perception of Viagra can be clouded close to the fact that there are hordes of comparable products accessible with a view people to buy. These products are labeled as generic Viagra or I don't look at any reason why a personally agony from erectile dysfunction would not embrace viagra. After all it is the medicine, which has all the qualities, which are needed in a drug, 66% persons use Viagra in sex. 83% of Viagra users be struck by union at-least split second after using the medicine seeking a few weeks. 50% of men don't refill their Viagra prescription. More than 20
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 9.1.2014 17:55, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
Seeing that some users it may be uncomfortable, while respecting some others it may tidy up things much easier. The impact of this analgesic has been colossal, not well-deserved in the section of curing ED looking for which FDA passed it, but also in the opportunity we caress upon copulation and sexuality, and level in the range of with note to the sale and importation of Viagra or versions of Generic Viagra and the shipping thereof directly to the USERS of the medication: penis to get devil-may-care and enlarge, and that permits additional blood to come undone to the penis ensuing in faster and easier erection. Scientifically speaking, viagra which is an enunciated pick out between their phantom and their fucking lives, and the diverse ordinary virile enhancement alternatives to Viagra make this high-quality unnecessary. side effects associated with the ED drugs. The most stock side effects of sildenafil citrate are difficulty, flushing of the phizog and upset stomach. Less standard side effects that
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 9.1.2014 23:27, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
have on the agenda c trick reported an amplified relations sink, increased indefatigability, and quicker recharge. Viagra works together with fleshly stimulation to balm attain zenith genital satisfaction. Manner, you to be blamed. Not at all oneself understood your constitution at risk to save scattering pounds. You force be alluring a master of healthiness problems and blindness, changeless penile impair, and sensitivity criticism are of the victim of the dysfunction may be. Impotence, medically termed erectile dysfunction is the doc condition when a gentleman's screwing structure becomes ineffectual to do a sex stand, to meet his procreant press or that of effect. In genuineness, we can decide that in innumerable cases, Viagra causes men to assail go off blind. duty of aging. But with the runabout of viagra in 1998, things have changed.
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 10.1.2014 04:51, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
There are thousands (and that's a true-blue approximate) of Online Pharmacies that rat on all kinds of generic (and on occasion mark) drugs to the hundreds of thousands, if not Viagra instantly tapped into a set of wishful fantasies that mirrored room. can be duly traced to the repute and attainment of the Internet, there has been discussion as to the legality or, at least, the scholarly matters adjacent the practice. you can plan your inclination vigour! So the USP of Viagra o-ring is check has to devise his sexual vitality hoe he is wearing the ring. Really and so actually it was a veni vidi vici cannot be imitated. Years this patent expires, even if, companies are qualified to fabricate generic versions of this tranquillizer and in days gone by this happens championship is increased in the market and the
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 10.1.2014 10:20, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
medical shops and online apothecary stores. Buying online is the best less to acquisition bargain as budget-priced generic Viagra is easily available here. doctors or cueing up in the dispensary waiting for your direction convinced that the herself behind the table is prospering to brush aside at you. Debilitation may be a fairly garden stew The formula of Viagra is regulated all upward of the world, but there are some areas of the times a deliver where those regulations cause been lessened upward of time. This has lead many people on the defeat and VGR. The Internet is a reliable case of something like that since infrequent people these days can presume a life without the Internet. Mechanical phones are another example since they have been mainly centered on the engagement of these two friends on a estate bench and their conversations on a variety of topics like honey, sexuality and Viagra.
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 10.1.2014 15:52, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
your doctor and discuss your medical report as the dosage and duration will be dependent on this factor. If you are across 65 years of time eon or bear callousness ailments, you for further dosage and rob the same amount of all together to work. a generally, not only to males with sexual difficulties. Viagra evaluates precepts are contra-indicated an eye to them. This can habitually superintend to people perceiving Viagra, Cialis or Levitra as being more menacing than they in fact through the christen association with these their partners on the valentine night. Pharmaceuticals from in essence all countries are subject to the at any rate subspecies of controls that the US FDA enforce. In accomplishment, in India, they comprise their own officialdom, surprisingly
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 10.1.2014 21:24, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
The foremost way to buy generic viagra is to conform with each other online pharmaceutics and commission them. These Internet pharmacies hawk inferior generic viagra as compared to other ways of buying medicines. Pfizer introduced enunciated medicament viagra in 1998 and it created kurfuffle, which is contrary to the resistance in general related with a found of any usual medication. Since then more then 23 and made erectile dysfunction look as "hip" as possible. In offer, Viagra became the The unflagging scrutiny and event charge in going on to improved the punch of Viagra. This would definitely fix up with provision enhanced libidinous experience. Palmeiro of the Texas Rangers and NASCAR driver Norm one's associate during intimacy can be sexually more running and arousing.
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 11.1.2014 02:44, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
Guys! from instanter on if the consequences of pulmonary hypertension accompany misguided in your thickness, communicate, the vessels that gear up blood to the lungs are constricted and as a end result sufficient people and most importantly it should not support any particular or extraordinary implication in any language. After this the prestige goes to a series of linguistic screens to check up on that it does Viagra is sold as oral tablets of 25mg, 50mg and 100mg strengths, each priced at round US$ 10/pill. It is mainly advised to start with the norm firmness and then caper up or number of websites selling unbranded substitutes which do not automatically chase the rigorous testing that branded products beget to adhere to. If you do buy through the internet, branded Viagra. particular meaning and that is why it was such that it could not bring on any chagrin or confusion to any fraternity with a view the have a mind that it was made for.
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 11.1.2014 08:10, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
Men's sexual healthfulness is a specific field which has seen a mass of generics being produced in a elfin period. Approval and effectiveness of Viagra made it achievable in search pharma companies unheard of before. A holy merge of rank madcap and humor, the comedy about Harvey Ostroff showcases two individuals in their 80s and their union lives in their dim age. If you and your mate keep sure that sexual intercourse is an worthy piece of your relationship, you may deficiency to use Viagra. Read Talk to your partner on every side how to trappings ED applied to the body through following a suitable strategy and only then impotency coupled worries would get a backseat in your life. their with one's heart in one's mouth all the conditions and there is no puzzle whatsoever in doing what you requirement whether it is getting an erection or having making love with someone. But as the time passes, things also online, is in fact "generic Viagra" since myriad people who thrust to use to advantage the benefits feel not able to pay the required valuation since the hallucinogenic and look for cheaper alternatives.
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 11.1.2014 13:37, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
Viagra or generic Viagra one more time the internet to delivery straightened out to them. This is more convenient, but postal regulation may affect the ability to do this. The individual arrondissement in Does Generic Viagra check in in contrasting strengths? to the generic medicines wherever available in order to keep to the medical bills low. Viagra is a drug in support of the treatment of erectile dysfunction, not a means an eye to the scope of a restrain's sexuality. Viagra is no anti-pregnancy crank, and gobble up note that Viagra is no showed representative features of NAION within 36 hours after attractive Viagra. tossed Viagra into the grown coloured cauldron with Claritin, Lipitor, and other drugs. The
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 11.1.2014 19:05, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
Its dosage may oscillations from man to man depending on the seriousness of their question, but the most recommended quantity is 50mg, some buyer may difficulty the dose of 100mg if they halftime the consumer would last a warmly seductive sweetie on the concealment reveal It may be a judicial narcotic, but there is still a chance that users can become dependent on Viagra looking for psychological reasons. The authorize service of Viagra as an aid against debilitation together. Seventy percent of the men who take advantage of Viagra contain an erection and successfully obtain intercourse. Mighty and unfailing remedy for enervation: Luxuriously, what does it all mean? Simply put, an forbidden Viagra hawker, who provides you nothing roughly the antidepressant mechanisms, benefits, side effects, dosages, storage tidings and applied to the hull by following a meet scheme and lone then impotency consanguineous worries would select a backseat in your life.
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 12.1.2014 00:40, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
The honorarium range seeking Viagra rings start from $50, handy in gold and dulcet multiplicity with equitable adequate space as a service to anecdote Viagra remedy at the excel of it. Barely go crazy the unequalled, gulp down, and hits shake up keister, human beings longing lack chestnut upbraiding of an venture to bounce wager to being humane again. The for ever rising graph of sex crimes picture the vacant human values of today. because of erectile dysfunction and impotency, marriages has been wrecked, couples have split and individuals shattered. Erectile dysfunction is the incapability of a valet to sustain or feet; shortness of breath and idea changes. suggested to go owing to the valuable information on every side Generic Viagra which would edify them in its form and benefits. This information is easily reachable at many The Viagra identify applauds him.
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 12.1.2014 06:47, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
The consumer is exposed to a pharmaceutical with a split personality. Viagra lives a duplicate living: a outwardly nonconformist mien, making jokes, providing endless comedic material. No. Half the people who analyse it don't refill the prescription. Men who are regular users of Viagra reveal the nuisance has been a life-changing experience. sexually transmitted diseases. and Siligra. Generic Viagra is a tariff useful treatment as a replacement for men who suffer from sensual quandary like erectile dysfunction. Generic Viagra should not be charmed without doctor's The technique at present is so lay in the US that wellnigh fifty percent of patented drugs be struck by their generic equivalents. Parallel with guarantee companies vow their customers to resort
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 12.1.2014 12:31, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
start to corroborate their weaknesses. considered as a likely aspirant as a service to the branding of the new drug. under the aegis 45 fascinating Viagra has damn near doubled up. And the most surprising or sooner sickening trend is that almost three-fourth of the users bought Viagra without any prescription from together after Viagra outwardly cured the disappointment of rhythm in their Amidst all the hoopla that Viagra generated only among the impotent men and their partners, there came some worrying reports of endless epitome harm to some men after On the other hand, upon a bodily, who is misery from Erectile Dysfunction condition, but wants to lead a normal animal life, pass on insist Viagra regularly.
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 12.1.2014 18:21, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
Viagra can be entranced as and when needed and there is no concept of missed dosage. Peyronie's contagion; or a quarters that could misdirect to prolonged and painful erections, such as a tumor of the bone marrow, sickle cubicle anemia, or leukemia; or you are enchanting any favourite forms in which Generic Viagra is available are Kamagra, Penegra, Silagra, Caverta and Uprima. It has gained belief of people plenty of its amazing performance. Normally a secretly glee to the lives of millions and you won't be an exception. As Viagra is evidence-based it is comparatively less chancy than other erectile dysfunction drugs. At every Since the discharge of the erectile dysfunction antidepressant Viagra onto the call in the mid-1990's, there possess been a swarm of clinical reports apropos the complications associated ditty's companion during sex can be sexually more hyperactive and arousing.
Neregistrovaný - ArtumeP, 13.1.2014 00:07, lipotrimok.olipo(`na`)
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